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Help us get equipment for AOS Worlds!

We are trying to raise money for new equipment to cover worlds in the best way possible! We have some equipment but as everyone knows its a bottomless pit and we would love you help to accelerate the quality of the coverage! Imagine if Age of Sigmar had the best live coverage in the world?

Here is a list of what we are trying to get and what it will do

A box pc replacement as one of ours burnt out at our last event -£600

We have 7 pox pcs which run all the table information for the overlays and cameras. Sadly one got broken last time at worlds which happens. We have to replace this for worlds this year

Gimbal Support Harness for cameraman – £200

Imagine holding a camera for 9 hours a day for 5 days!? This rig will help our cameraman have an easier five days

Headsets for the players – £2000

We would like to record each game as they happen. Meaning we would record 88 games with audio over the course of the week. We will make it available for free immediately. We would like to  to set up a discord for each of the tables at the event too so you can listen to the games live too. Imagine hearing how the worlds best players talk and play while watching the games live

Better Cameras and the best camera set up in the world!! – £7800

We could build the best live production anyone has ever seen with 8 of these and a controller. We have our man in the field Ziggy who will be bringing you all the live shots of the games however we could have the most amazing set up you have ever seen. If you help us!!